A bit about me....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lessons I have learned and hope to learn

I know that I am just in the beginning stages of all the things that I will learn while preparing myself as a future educator. The biggest lesson I have learned so far is to not write of the fact that it has been to many years since you have learned about technology that you feel it is not important to be up to date with it. I was very quick to say well it has been more then 12 years since I have been out of school so I just don't get all this computer stuff now. I felt it was not necessary. People have been learning the old fashioned way for many years and I can continue to teach that way. Boy was I wrong. I am so glad that I have been enlightened on the technology world. It would have been such a shame if I kept thinking like that. The things I would have missed out on but especially the things the kids would have missed out on. This is their world right now and this is how they learn best. I truly feel that we are going to be better for it because it is such a hands on learning. learning by doing instead of the "burp back education". I am so glad that I am not going to fall victim to that kind of teaching and that I have been educated now myself.
I am not naive, thinking that I will know it all. Trust me it will go faster and further then I can keep up with. But with that being said , I will make a promise to not only myself but to my future students to do my best to keep up with all the new and different ways of using technology. I can only imagine what is to come. It is an exciting world of learning and it is so neat to see it change and what a difference it can all make. I had no idea the capabilities of it all, and I am happy to admit I was wrong. I pledge to use what I have learned and what I will continue to learn in my classroom in all the years that I will be teaching!

My goal as a teacher

As a teacher I have set forth some goals that I would like to attain along the way. My first goal is to get my students to a point where they want to learn and crave to know the information. I hope to obtain this in ways in which they enjoy learning. Again using some of the technology that I have discussed, and learning to relate to their world and put things on their level. Another goal is to keep things interesting and fun. I feel if I can accomplish this it will help me out with my first goal. I always enjoyed learning through experience, not just reading and reciting back the information or writing it on a paper. I think they will remember the information given to them if they have enjoyed the experience in which they comprehended the material. I really enjoy music and I would love to somehow use music and art in the classroom to help learn material.
My next goal is a something I have written about as well and that is staying on top of the technology advances that are available for teaching and learning in the classroom. I really think the children learn best through computer related material because it is their generation. They know their way around a computer better then most adults. It is again putting at their level in which they enjoy learning and doing. I think the advancements will not only help them be better students but will help me be a better educator. I will continue to learn which will make me want to continue to teach and educate with the new information that I have attained.
My last two goals are probably the two that are the most important to me. I want to make a difference in my students life. Both as a teacher but also as a mentor and someone that they can look up to as a role model. I feel that so many children are lost out there and many families and friends have given up on them. I don't want any child to feel less then or that they are not smart or important. I hope I can keep a positive outlook even the days that I know are going to be hard. I think it is human nature to want to be accepted and even more so in the life of a teenager. I just want to help them make the right decisions as they are starting down the road to adulthood to take on the rest of their lives. I hope they would look back and remember me as someone who made a difference in their lives! My last goal is pretty simple and to the point but states such importance. It is that I want to always love my Job! I think if I stick to the rest of the rest of my goals that this one will fall into place.

Public teaching versus Private teaching

I am just starting the research into whether I want to teach in the public school system or if I would prefer to teach at a Private institution. Of course there is going to be advantages and disadvantages to both. Probably the biggest deciding factor is going to be where we will be living by the time I am ready to teach. Not only that ,I have a little child who will be in school in the next 3-4 years and if I want him to be in a public or private school. I think it is a decision that is going to take me a while to make and I want to really do my research until I say either way. I want of course what is going to benefit my family the most and where I feel that I can be utilized to my best ability.
Now in the public system, the things that would lead me there is the need for good and caring teachers. Again the differences that I want to make I feel would probably have the biggest impact in the public system where I feel the children would need more love and attention more so than a private school in most circumstances. Also in a public system working for the State you have great benefits as far as health insurance and retirement packages. This is definitely something to look into. In my particular case being married I do have great insurance through my husbands company but could always benefit from the retirement packages as we our building our future nest egg.
As far as private schools go. My husband and I at this point would be interested in putting our son in a private school. Working at a private school I would be able to get him into a great school at a reduced price just for working for the institution itself. So that would definitely be a big plus for us if I were to go that route. I think as far as teaching goes the classes would be smaller and more intimate and that I would get to know my students better and have a better one on one relationship with them. I think also there would be a little more structure to the classrooms in a private school.
I will have to weigh all my options as I continue my education to becoming a teacher and see where it is going to take my family. I think there is a good and a bad side to both and the playing field is pretty level at this point. This is something that I want to continue to learn more about and report back as I attain more information into making my decision.

My teaching ideas

I have been so lucky to be offered a class during my college education which has taught me so many different technology tools that I can use in the classroom. Before entering this class I had no idea the vast array of things that are at our finger tips for us to use as teachers. I guess my thoughts were pretty old fashioned. Pretty much teaching lesson plans taken out of the book, assignments, and writing papers. I would have only thought of using the computer to access the Internet to look up information for assignments. I was so out of date already!! Now that I have seen how you can use things like class blogs to really captivate your students into wanting to learn the material and post it and get instant feedback. It is so exciting to see to what level this can take the classroom.
There are also podcast in which students can access so many types of information and are able to listen to it rather then just read it. There is so much information out there that again you are not just limited to the Internet for the sources you know have audio podcasts. Like my professor has done in this class I think it would be great to have a weekly podcast that the students are able to broadcast what they have learned and done throughout the week.
Another great tool is igoogle. You can do documents and presentations. There is free e-mail available to whomever wants it. You can personalize your page with current events , sports, news ect. The list goes on and on when it comes to igoogle. The best thing about all the things that I have named is that they are free! What a wonderful thing for teachers to have to teach in a way that will keep a student captivated! Again I just get so excited about my future as a teacher and what I will have as far as teaching ideas!

After graduation

After I graduate I would like to be a high school Geography or History teacher. I see myself probably in the public school system, but have yet to make a for sure decision on that. As long as I can think back I could picture myself in front of the classroom. I prefer to teach at the high school level because I feel it is such an important developmental stage in which they are becoming who they are going to be as adults. I would like to be a positive role model in their lives. I was very lucky to have had three stand out teachers when I was in high school. They are the reason that I want to pursue this field. It is really nice to know that you have someone who really cares about you outside your own family, and in many cases these students don't even have the care of their own families.
I would also like to get involved with my school outside of academics. I would love to participate in different clubs and also be a coach. I think it is so important for children to get involved in extra curricular activities. A busy student is a student that will stay out of trouble. I also believe it is very character building which helps them with the confidence in the classroom as well. Just writing about this gets me excited for it. I can't wait to teach them and more importantly the things that they will teach me!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A little bit about me:I am married to my husband Johnathan and we have a 21 month old son named Nathan. I have decided after many years to go back to school and get my degree in Secondary Education in Social Sciences while being a stay at home mom. It is a hard balance but one I am looking forward to completing and doing my life long dream which is an educator. As long as I can remember I have pictured myself in the classroom and I am glad that i have decided not to let this dream go but to pursue it and finish what I started so long ago.
I see myself in a local high school teaching Geography. I have always felt I could hold the attention of a classroom and I am looking forward to the challenge of teaching teenagers. I think as a teacher I know how to be there to instruct but also to be there for them to mentor them and have as. a role model to look up to. Especially if they do not have any others in their life. I also see myself as a coach of soccer, track or cheer leading to help really be a part of the school in which I am a teacher.
Ideas for Teaching:
I want to have an interactive classroom in which all the students are able to communicate with each other via Internet, blogs, and e-mails. I have realized the importance of the technology that is out there and I want to utilize it in my classroom. I believe it keeps the children very linked into what is going on.
I definitely want to make my classes fun and make sure that the no children are left behind. I believe if children are having fun they will enjoy the work and will be interested in the information that is being taught.
Teaching at a Private School versus Public School:
Retirement benifits
Different educational learning
Caliber of students
My Goals as a teacher:
As a teacher I want the kids to want to learn the information
I want to keep the info interesting and fun
I want to continue to educate and learn new info along the way
I want to keep on top of technology advances in the classroom
I want to make a difference in many children's lives
I want to love my job